Apiranthos- Glinero

Apiranthos- Glinero


  • A pig’s head
  • The inner pork fat –as in bacon- and other fat and pieces of pork that remain when we make cured
  • Smoked ham
  • Sausages etc


Boil the pig’s head together with the leftover pieces from “pastà” (the cured and smoked pork) and mezines –the pieces of pork meat and fat cured with salt in big clay pots. After they are cooked, chop all of the meat into small pieces, season them with salt and pepper and brown them in their fat in a frying pan. Meanwhile, boil the mezines until they melt. Let them cool and collect their “glina” (the liquid fat rising to the surface), melt and season them with salt. Place the cooked pieces in an airtight jar and top them with the “glina”. Store the jar in a cool place and whenever desired take out two or three spoonfuls of the meat to use in omelets.

Source Ημερολόγιο 2009, Πολιτιστικός και Αθλητικός Σύλλογος «ΤΑ ΦΑΝΑΡΙΑ»
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